Monday, April 22, 2013

Shit and Dammit.

I am in trouble.

Apparently, my adorable 4 year old niece is using "bad words" at preschool and it is all MY fault (of course).

Frankly, I think the whole thing is ridiculous.

I mean "shit" I get.  "Shit" is, I think, universally understood to be a bad word.  You should never use that word and I am sincerely sorry for teaching it to her.  (although, in my defense,  I am not the ONLY person using that word around here...but WHATEVS) 

But 'dammit'...really?  When did "dammit" become a bad word? 

Clearly preschool teachers are a WEE bit uptight these days.  Particularly when the aforementioned 4 year old's use of "dammit" seems situationally appropriate. 

She gets frustrated when a toy isn't working right and so she says "Oh, Dammit. This isn't working right!"

Totally understandable.

A fellow 4 year old is not cooperating at nap time and she says, "Oh Dammit Preston, why don't you sleep already?"

Also very appropriate, I think. I mean, why the hell ISN'T Preston sleeping already?  It's NAP time-universally acknowledged to be the time in which you nap or at least fake-nap.

Preston is clearly a moron, and what is the word "dammit" for if not to express frustration over the inadequacies of others?!

Why this is all MY fault is a mystery to me.



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