Sunday, July 14, 2013

Vagina Shaped Mollusks: NO THANK YOU

Recently whilst dining w/ some friends who will never eat with me ever again over Vietnamese food, my phobia of vagina shaped mollusks came up.

As per usual, I'm not super  clear on how a regular, normal conversation became something VERY different, but I blame myself.

The mollusk in question:

Vagina in a shell OR edible mollusk????

Allow me to help...that is NOT a vagina. 

I know right?!

Tell me that does not look DEAD ON like someone's vagina in a shell?


I mean, not mine, of course.  My vagina looks like flowers heaven Jesus Rick James whatever, ok I haven't actually given my vagina a good "once-over" lately, but I'm preeettty sure its waaaaaay cuter than that.  

Clearly mussels look more shall I say, a "gently used" vagina as opposed to my pristine, top-of-the-line, designer  vagina. 

Mussels probably look more like Kim Kardashian's vagina-let's face it, that  kitty has seen some SERIOUS action #FACT

Wait.  What was I talking about?

Oh right. Mussels.

My point IS  that they look like someone's  vagina, FOR SURE, even if I don't have a specific name  to offer you...



It's not that I'm not  gastronomically adventurous. 

I tried mussels once. 

They arrived in a delicious sauce but looking very unfortunately like a human, female vagina. 

I swallowed the bile rising in my throat and sucked one down. 


That was the last vagina shaped mollusk that crossed MY palate.

I know what you're thinking and, yes, it has occurred to me.  Perhaps if I was a lesbian, or at least bi-curious and I already had a favorable view of vaginas I may reallyreallyreallyreally enjoy eating mussels...

But...NO. Sorry.  I guess I am just NOT a fan of vaginas in general. 

Don't get me wrong, I like my own vagina just fine, I suppose.  I can't think of any complaints off-hand anyways.

But I definitely don't want to EAT it. 

I don't want to eat ANY vagina or vagina shaped mollusk or vagina shaped anything.

You could carve a giant CUPCAKE in the shape of a vagina and I wouldn't eat it.

Oh wait, someone HAS...

And I am DEFINATELY not eating that EITHER.


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