Wednesday, May 29, 2013

WTF Wednesdays; Welcome


Welcome to What The Fuck Wednesdays, which I shall call 'WTF Wednesdays' because I'm lazy and WEDNESDAY is still a word I have to sound out every time I type it "Wed-Nes-Day" which is exhausting.

Frequently things happen to me and I'm all like, "What.  The.  Fuck."

Not to be confused with "What the fuck?" in, "What just happened here?...I'm confused?"


Which is not to say that I'm NOT sometimes confused.  Quite the contrary, in fact-as I think is clearly evidenced on this blog-I am frequently confused.

Often, I don't know what the hell is happening even when it's happening right in front of me.

True story.

But occasionally, I know exactly what just happened.


And on those occasions, is when I find myself thinking, "What.  The.  Fuck." because I just ran directly into a WTF wall.

No question mark, you see, because I have just run head-first into the WTF.  So there is no question as to what I just encountered.  I may be dumfounded and or suffering from a WTF concussion to the head...but there is no doubt as to the ridiculousness of what just happened.  Or, what I like to refer to as the "what-the-fuck-ness" of the situation.

Therefore, WTF Wednesdays describes situations/occasions wherein something happened and I was dumbfounded, but NOT questioning "why?".

I ALREADY know why.

Because people are stupid.

And people's stupidity causes me to be all, like, "WTF".

And, also, I live in California so "like" in this case is used as an adjective describing a state of being (because that's how we roll out here), as in I was thinking to myself..."What. The. Fuck".

Okay that's not true, I was actually thinking to myself, "dude...What. The. Fuck." but I didn't want to admit the "dude" part 'cause I'm already reinforcing stereotypes here and felt like that would compound the problem......

I'm sorry, I just forgot my point.....



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