While I am accustomed to people staring blankly at me when I speak, on this occasion I was shocked.
why are you not rolling on the floor in laughter?! THIS SHIT IS HILARIOUS.
As it turns out, these particular work colleagues have
So for those of you who also
From Urban Dictionary:
1. Queef
an expulsion of wind from the vulva during coitus; a vaginal fart.
EXAMPLE: Rumor has it that Thea can queef the alphabet*.
*that's Urban dictionary's example...not mine.
Now, commence reading the below blog post...You're Welcome.
Recently at The Job, I went to visit a client-who I shall henceforth refer to as "Bob". On this particular occasion Bob needed some...unconventional help.
Because I'm a PROfessional and all, I was happy to oblige.
The following conversation occurred:
Bob: I need some lady advice.
Me: Bring it
Bob: So I got this girl and we was talking for a minute but now she all up in my business
Me: Uh huh.
Bob: So I don't be into her no more.
Me: Sure, yeah.
Bob: But she don't feel me, you know?
Me: I think I understand the situation. To summarize; You tapped that shit, and now you want her to go away, right?
Bob: yeah
Me: Tell her you have crabs.
Bob: huh?
Me: Seriously. A "lady" don't want nothin' to do with a guy who has crabs.
Bob: Naw
Me: That's sound advice Bob.
Bob: Nawwwwwwww.
Me: Can I see a picture?
Bob: (pulls out his cell phone and shows me a picture)
Me: Ohhhh. I can see why you need advice. It's not "lady" advice really because I'm pretty sure she doesn't qualify as such, but I see your dilemma for sure.
Bob: What you think?
Me: What's her name?
Bob: LaQueefa.
Me: I'm sorry, what?
Bob: LaQueefa.
Me: Can you spell it for me?
Bob: L-A-Q-U-E-E-F-A
Me: And you're sure that's pronounced LAH-KWEEF-AH?
Bob: Yeah.
Me: is that a nickname you gave her or her God-given birth name?
Bob: huh?
Me: Nevermind. I got some advice for you, Bob. You ready?
Bob: Yeah
Me: Stay away from women who are named after vagina farts.
Bob: Uh huh.
Me: Frankly, that shoulda been a red flag Bob. RED FLAG.
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