Wednesday, July 31, 2013

WTF Wednesdays: Cutting the Cheese

I held off writing this post for a while because I didn't want people to think I was racist.  Or culturally incompetent.  Or predjudice.  Or a moron.  Or whatever

Aaaaannd then I was all like, DUH. 


No one reads this stupid blog anyways.

So *hashtag* whatevs

Here's my (first of many, most likely) potentially racist, incompetent, prejudice blog post.


First of all, does everyone know what "cutting the cheese" means?

It means you've just farted. 

Are we clear?  Good.   Moving on.

Anyone else go to the gym on a regular basis?

Raise your hand....

Aaaand how many of you, who go to the gym regularly, also bathe regularly?


What?  I can't hear you...Oh, EVERYONE you say? 

No f*cking SHIT. 

Guess that makes you a normal, regular, considerate, and-DARE I SAY-reasonable human being. 

That makes you like most other normal, regular, considerate, reasonable human beings who share the Earth.

Unless, except, apparently, OF COURSE, all of those of you who use MY local gym.

My neighbors apparently have neither access to reason, consideration, running water, deodorant, nor FUCKING FEBREEZE*

* there is a grocery store ~76 steps from said gym that I know for a fact sells Febreeze...but I digress...

Or they're just assholes*

*probably the most likely explanation given the aforementioned availability of said Febreeze for purchase....

It's up for debate*

*not really, I'm just saying that so as not to appear like a TOTAL racist.

Let me be clear.  I don't mean that my neighbors smell just a little bit. 


I mean that they smell so bad that it makes me want to scream at the very tippy top of my wee little high pitched girly lungs....


No joke.

Almost every day I am on the treadmill/elliptical/stairmaster/etc. thinking to myself..."WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EAT, and WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T YOU BATHED IN THE LAST YEAR?"

To be fair, I live in an area of town nicknamed "Little Kabul" for it's large Afghani population.

So there's a cultural difference of opinion, I suspect.

Which I respect*.

*not really, because WTF? why can't you just buy a bottle of Febreeze and spritz yourself?!?!

I feel especially grateful for this cultural discrepancy when I am hungry-which is 75% of the time.

I loooove Afghani food.  LOVE it.

Being as white as one could possibly be when it comes to food (salt was considered a "spice" in my home growing up), I really appreciate any so-called "ethnic" food (meaning everything other than meatloaf and potatoes).

The flip side of this coin is that I feel particularly UNgrateful when I am at the gym working out-which is five afternoons a week.

Just for your reference, I am NOT cool with ODORS in general.

I have a very delicate olefactory system.  See here for evidence.

If you stink, I WILL smell you. 

I don't know why my neighbors smell the way they do.  I don't know if it's the food, the culture, the religion...I don't really care why you smell.

The fact of the matter is that you smell like you rolled in a rotting animal carcass for a bit whilst consuming an abnormally large quantity of garlic AFTER having abstained from bathing with SOAP for the last decade.

You smell SO horrible that I feel FAINT.

And I feel resentful because I PAY actual CASH MONEY to come here and work out which makes me feel entitled to a relatively UNscented environment when I work out.

Maybe, for $45/mo I expect it to smell like EFFING flowers in there Goddammit.  Especially when I know for a *hashtag* FACT that Febreeze was on sale for $2.75 at the store around the corner last week....

Also I'm a SOCIAL WORKER so I make exactly $0.0001 more than your average Taco Bell drive through operator.

Except that I owe ~$45K for my fucking useless MASTERS DEGREE.

Soooooo...bottom line neighbors, if you want to stank up your own home, FINE. 

But when you come to the gym to work out right next to OTHER HUMANS with functioning olefactory glands, your ass better have bathed in the last 24 hours, and/or be wearing deodorant, and/or have spritzed yourself with an anti-malodorous perfumed body spray and/or Febreeze (which is ON SALE right around the corner for less than THREE EFFING DOLLARS) and/or any OTHER spray that is designed to mask the odor of garlic coated decomposing flesh prior to your arrival at the gym.

Which brings me to my main point. 

IF the person next to you on the stepper at the gym smells as though they rolled in dead animal, ate superhuman quantities of garlic and haven't showered in a decade, I do not think it's unreasonable to deliberately "cut the cheese" before moving to a different machine.

BOOM smelly bitches. 

You just got schooled. 



Friday, July 26, 2013

Welcome (reluctantly) Fiona!

Recently I posted that I have lost this angel.

What I failed to mention is that I acquired this naughty bitch shortly thereafter....

My four-year old niece named her Fiona.

She was a gift.

I should mention that I have never owned anything other than Shih-Tzu's before.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Shih Tzu breed, these dogs were bred to be lap warmers for Chinese aristocracy.  They have laid back, docile personalities and prefer to lay around like adorably useless lumps for most of their days.  

Like so...

Shih Tzu's want nothing more than to be sleeping near to their human and require almost nothing from you other than food, water and an occasional pat on the head.  They don't actually need a lot of direct attention, they only need to be near their human.  They will unfailingly follow you from room to room, but they wont demand to be picked up.  If you sit down, they'll be right up there next to you on the couch, falling into a sound sleep. 

Like so...

But a Shih Tzu wont bark or cry or whine if you are inaccessible.  If they can't be right next to you, they are happy to sit at your feet or near your feet or even just in the same room as you on a different couch. 

Even if that means they stare at you creepily from across the room.

Like so...

Yorkshire Terriers, on the other hand, NOT SO MUCH.

This creature has to be right directly ON TOP of you  OR-ELSE-THE-WHOLE-EARTH-WILL-IMPLODE-UPON-ITSELF.

Like so:
And so:

And so:

And so:

And so:

And so:


And so:

And so:
Needless to say, after a decade plus of low maintenance lap warmers, I'm a little out of my element.
This creature is pooping and peeing and yippy-yapping ALL over the place.  Anything that moves this dog thinks should be chased whilst YIPPY-YAPPING at the TIPPY-TOP of her lungs. 

We have failed out of puppy class TWICE. 
For failure to "sit" on cue. 
Yes.  That's right.  We cannot even master SIT.

When I say "sit", Fiona just stares at this..

You want me to do what?  YOU want ME to do WHAT?!

If something moves in the vicinity of my Shih Tzu, she may not even notice, let alone chase said moving object.

Not Fiona. 

It doesn't matter if it's a shadow, a dust bunny, a leaf, a GIANT creature TWO TIMES her size-whatevs. 

If it moves, Fiona will chase after it barking and yippy-yapping as though said moving object has just committed any number of felonies and ALL-LAW-ENFORCEMENT-PERSONNEL-SHOULD-COME-IMMEDIATELY-RIGHT-NOW-OR-ELSE-EARTH-WILL-IMPLODE-UPON-ITSELF.

Case in point...

*that video is WAY funnier w/ audio, which it HAD until the day this post landed and *POOF* the video is all F**ked up and NO audio....motherfuckers*

Audio or no, it's clear that this cow was having NONE of her nonsense.

I wish I could say the same.


I would re-name this blog, I knew how to do that.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Heeeeyy new baby Prince...

Woah.   Stop the presses.

Duchess Kate has given birth.

And is it just me or is anyone else thinking...

"heeeeeeyyyyyyy, new baby Prince whatever-your-name-may-be....are you into cougars?"

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Vagina Shaped Mollusks: NO THANK YOU

Recently whilst dining w/ some friends who will never eat with me ever again over Vietnamese food, my phobia of vagina shaped mollusks came up.

As per usual, I'm not super  clear on how a regular, normal conversation became something VERY different, but I blame myself.

The mollusk in question:

Vagina in a shell OR edible mollusk????

Allow me to help...that is NOT a vagina. 

I know right?!

Tell me that does not look DEAD ON like someone's vagina in a shell?


I mean, not mine, of course.  My vagina looks like flowers heaven Jesus Rick James whatever, ok I haven't actually given my vagina a good "once-over" lately, but I'm preeettty sure its waaaaaay cuter than that.  

Clearly mussels look more shall I say, a "gently used" vagina as opposed to my pristine, top-of-the-line, designer  vagina. 

Mussels probably look more like Kim Kardashian's vagina-let's face it, that  kitty has seen some SERIOUS action #FACT

Wait.  What was I talking about?

Oh right. Mussels.

My point IS  that they look like someone's  vagina, FOR SURE, even if I don't have a specific name  to offer you...



It's not that I'm not  gastronomically adventurous. 

I tried mussels once. 

They arrived in a delicious sauce but looking very unfortunately like a human, female vagina. 

I swallowed the bile rising in my throat and sucked one down. 


That was the last vagina shaped mollusk that crossed MY palate.

I know what you're thinking and, yes, it has occurred to me.  Perhaps if I was a lesbian, or at least bi-curious and I already had a favorable view of vaginas I may reallyreallyreallyreally enjoy eating mussels...

But...NO. Sorry.  I guess I am just NOT a fan of vaginas in general. 

Don't get me wrong, I like my own vagina just fine, I suppose.  I can't think of any complaints off-hand anyways.

But I definitely don't want to EAT it. 

I don't want to eat ANY vagina or vagina shaped mollusk or vagina shaped anything.

You could carve a giant CUPCAKE in the shape of a vagina and I wouldn't eat it.

Oh wait, someone HAS...

And I am DEFINATELY not eating that EITHER.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fornicating Can Be Fun...You Should Try It

The other day I came across this...

I don't know what this says about me exactly, but my first thought was,

Oh sh*t, fornicating counts?!


And then my cerebral cortex kicked in, and I thought...wait, does that apply to regular sex or is it only freaky sex that I have to confess to?"

I starting thinking STRATEGICALLY.

I was all like, hmmm....I wont  tell Jesus about that time in the back of my then-boyfriends patrol car because that probably doesn't count, but I will  tell him about that time on the roof of my Catholic School dormitory because even though that wasn't "freaky"-per se...I'm preeeeetttty sure I could go to hell for that anyways based on the whole sex-on-the-roof-of-my-catholic-school THING....although, in fairness, neither of us were Catholic at the time.

Then I decided, WHOA girl.  Before you plan out your confession, you should probably figure out exactly what you need to confess to.  No reason getting Mr. Jesus all upset for no good reason, right?

I mean, the man has A LOT on his plate what with the whole theory of evolution appearing to be a wash and all...

So I googled, "fornicate" and I learned useful knowledge.

Unfortunate knowledge for my everlasting soul, but useful knowledge none the less, which I shall now pass on to you, dear non-existent reader.

You Are Welcome.

So FYI: According to Merriam-Webster (the guy who invented ALL words ever, although unfortunate for him that his parents named him "Merriam"--LAME)...ALL sex counts if you're NOT married to the person.  Mr. Webster was not specific regarding actual individual acts themselves.  Such as, is it ok to give your boyfriend a blow job in the back of his patrol car if you're not married?  Surely a simple blow job is harmless, right?

To muddy the waters further, according to Wikipedia fornication only refers to sex with leaves. 

I quote: "'Fornicated' as an adjective is still used in botany, meaning "arched" or "bending over" (as in a leaf).

I'm not even going to ASK how you have sex with a leaf.   That's just weird and frankly maybe you should be confessing to Jesus about that, weirdos.

For those of you who are beginning to sweat a little, STOP FUCKING LEAVES you weirdos.

No, just kidding.. 

Seriously, for those of you regular humans who are fucking other humans and who are beginning to sweat a little...keep sweating.  We're all in trouble, unless you're British...see below.

According to Urban Dictionary "fornicate" could mean THREE different things:

1) Upper class fuckery, or more especially, a word designed to roll off the tongues of royalty, such as...."My dear Queen, whist the blacksmith fucks the maid, shall we retire to the royal fornication chamber?"  OMG, who doesn't want to say that sentence.  I'm totally gonna use 'fornication chamber' in a sentence this week.  Frankly, you could say "The brussel sprouts you bought a week ago are molding in the crisper" in a British accent and it would sound more awesome and mysterious and sophisticated, as does everything when you fake a British accent.  FACT.  (But, more seriously, if you are ONLY using the word fornicate whilst mimicking a British accent, congratulations.  You are in the clear with Jesus.)
2) To have sex, but before marriage.  If you are married, then it's just plain sex.  If you are married, see "fuck".  So, sex before marriage no matter how kinky or non-kinky qualifies.  Basically, if you're doin' it at all, you need to conversate with Jesus.


3) When you bone the bejesus out of someone, such as..."Me and your old lady fornicated all night long while you were at work. See # 2.  You're totally goin' to Hell. 

Basically, I'm screwed-no pun intended-and probably so are you (unless you're British).

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a little defeated.

There has to be some out, right?

I mean, I'm no Bible expert, but that damn thing is thicker than my Anatomy & Physiology textbook from undergrad.  I think, clearly, there must be something in there that reads along the lines of, "hey sex burns tons of calories and feels great!!!  You should totally do it but  make sure you don't catch diseases because those are GROSS"


Anyway, it's a moot point because I sped up to get around this asshole and discovered that he was totally  fugly (that's ugly to the degree that the term 'ugly' is no longer sufficient and I had to MAKE UP a new word to quantify your ugliness), so clearly he's not currently fornicating in any capacity and probably never has.

And that's when my "A HA!" moment occurred.

I realized that this van is not merely a display of bigotry and hate coming from a middle-aged, uneducated, poorly traveled, culturally incompetent, hermit who still breastfeeds.


Well, yes, actually...that's probably all true, but ALSO...and perhaps most relevant to this blog post,


Because, let's be real...for whom is it probably MORE difficult to GET laid than for a virginal, uneducated, culturally incompetent, moronic, breast-feeding, middle-aged, bigot?


So really, we should be praying for HIM.

*insert crickets*

Ok, fine.  I'll start....

Dear Baby Jesus,

Like, totally GOOD LUCK on getting that asshole laid.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

WTF Wednesdays: I am my own biggest fan

Recently I logged into my blog and WOW!!!!! 

I had TWENTY page views in June!!!!


Clearly this is a momentous event.  Twenty whole people have looked at my blog and I don't recall having paid a SINGLE ONE of them to do so!!!

And then I realized....

It was me. 

I've "viewed" my own blog twenty times in June.

at least.

Because I obsessively check my own blog to make sure I haven't accidentally posted something embarrassing more embarrassing than usual whilst day drinking....TWENTY times in June, apparently.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Dear Birthdays...YOU SUCK.

**warning: this is a whiny, self-piteous, self-serving, bitch-session of a blog post**

Feel free to skip ahead to next weeks post which involves discussions of stalkers...FUN!!!

My birthday is this week, and I have mixed feelings.  Mostly shitty feelings.

For a long time I just ignored my birthday.  This was easy to do as it is associated with a major U.S. holiday thus lending itself to being overlooked by others in favor of celebrating the anniversary of the birth of this here U.S. of A.

Goddamn America is ALWAYS upstaging me.

But, I suppose, when there are fireworks, whole CNN news threads and entire magazine issues devoted to the fancy bar-b-q's and table decorations and red-white-and-blue Jello molds one should  have on said anniversary of a country's birth, it's easy to overlook the anniversary of someone pushing an actual human fetus out of their vagina.

Normally, I'm excited to share my birthday with America's.  I typically tell  those close to me what I expect, so that I will not be disappointed.  I buy cheesy July 4th paraphernalia and force my nieces & nephew to wear it whilst accompanying me to the local 4th of July parade.


But this year...I find myself feeling nostalgic.  Lonely.

Wishing that THIS year's birthday would be special and not just because its shared with "America", but rather because am important. 



As per usual, I'll probably end up ordering my own cake & demanding people eat it with me.

This year I'm telling everyone I'm 27 (only because I've been "23" for so long that people are beginning to catch on). 

I will not reveal my actual age, mostly because I don't look my age thankyouinfantbabyjesus. 

This comes from my mother's side, I think.  At 67 y/o my mom has a head full of white hair (which is cut periodically by whomever is nearest-no joke, just last week she presented me with a pair of kitchen shears and asked me to "cut an inch or two off the bottom") and is majorly in need of a wardrobe update, but her FACE  looks at least 20 years younger than she actually is.  Her skin is surreal and I hate her for it.

The problem for me is that my life is no where close to what I imagined it would be when I was a wee thing day dreaming about where I'd be at my current age. 

Hello  Captain Obvious.

Is it just me or did people in their 30's seem so OLD when you were a kid? 

Did any of you watch the TV sitcom 'Roseanne'?  On that show the main character, Roseanne (a woman married w/ 4 kids), had a younger sister named Jackie.  Jackie was portrayed as a bit of a drifter-a woman in her 30's who still lived in a slip-shod studio apartment over a garage and who regularly stopped by Roseanne's to steal peanut butter/grocery shop for food and to do her laundry for free, and who had loser boyfriend after loser boyfriend cycling through like clockwork every few episodes.  Jackie is alternately a truck driver, a shampoo girl at a salon or a waitress-depending on the season/episode.

I remember thinking how OLD Jackie was to be still grocery shopping out of her sister's pantry and to be using her sister's washing machine to clean her clothes. 

Eventually Jackie got pregnant and married (in that order) and it seemed like a real big deal on the show.  It was as though we should all rejoice.  FINALLY  the beleaguered, long "single" sister, Jackie, was starting a family. 

Truth be told, Jackie was on the fence about marrying her baby daddy-remember that?  She wasn't 'in love', and wasn't  convinced that he was 'the one', but Roseanne encouraged her.  It seemed to me that everyone (mostly Roseanne) was relieved.  It was like, finally Jackie found a semi-decent man to knock her up and then marry her after ALL THOSE LOSERS, so she should jump on it because after all she is OLD already and life is passing her by.

Or, at least, that's how it seemed to me.

The truth is, Jackie's "pregnant and getting married" character is just about the age I am now and, frankly, I don't feel as old as I thought Jackie was.  But fifteen years ago?


Jackie seemed SO very old.

I distinctly remember feeling sorry for Jackie.  Poor Jackie, I thought.  She just wanted what all of us want, right?

True love.

Isn't that the 'American Dream'?

To find a meaningful career, have a husband, child,   

But, despite her best efforts, Jackie SUCKED at all of the above. 

Poor Jackie.

Now I look back and think, Holy sh*tballs.  I am Jackie. 

I am that  age.  I still 'grocery shop' at my sister's house, do my laundry at my parents house (hell, I live  at my parents house) and I too suck at men.  I too want the 'American Dream'-a meaningful career, husband, child and at least  a fence of some sort if not  made of white picketts (whatever that is). 

Mostly, just love, really. 

I am not even sure I could say exactly what I anticipated my life would look like at this age when I was a kid, but I can confidently say that it most definitely did NOT involve living in the same bedroom I occupied from birth-18 years old.  At the very least, I probably imagined fiscal solvency, owning my own home, aaaaand not having tens of thousands of dollars of student loan debt....ooooorr something like that.

Everyone keeps telling me to cut myself some slack.  We are in "hard times" in this country in general, they say.  LOTS of 30-ish something-or-others are in my same position, they say

That does not make me feel better.

Shaking myself free of the stereotypes I assumed as a child is proving a little more difficult than I anticipated.

Such as that I was supposed to meet 'Mr. Right' in college,  after graduation I would marry  said 'Mr. Right', we would buy a home together and I would then pop out at least  TWO if not THREE kids by...ohhh,  FIVE YEARS AGO.

Intellectually I realize two things.  First of all, the stereotype I bought into as a kid is outdated and not necessarily something I truly  bought into at the time, let alone something that would've made me happy anyways.  Secondly, I realize that life has thrown me some curve balls that I did not anticipate.

At age 18 I felt so sure of my future.  I had laid down the ground work and I knew  where I was going and what I was doing.  I worked hard on my long-term goals with total confidence that I could achieve them. 

It simply didn't occur to me that there may be obstacles out of my control that would divert my path. 

I distinctly remember being surprised-dumbfounded  even, that I couldn't continue on the path I'd set for myself when it finally came down to that.  I was in such denial that what I imagined my path to be would not be possible that I totally ignored reality.  I persevered on that path for far, far longer than was healthy to do so. 


I ended up paying a huge price.  I did more damage than good.  To this day I deal with physical pain every day because in my denial I did damage to my body that cannot be remedied.

But I just could not let go. 
I could not.

How could it be, I thought, that this life I want so badly-the career that I worked so hard for over so many years could just be gone...


...just like that?  It wasn't possible.  It couldn't be.  So I hung on. 


Recently the news was full of nightly stories about floods-the television screen displaying image after image of buildings standing tall and proud only to be tossed aside by the rushing flood waters. 

By standing firm in stubbornness, I think I became like a house in the path of a flooded, raging river.

It's not like I didn't see the water coming.  I chose to toss some sandbags out and stand firm.  And then the water washed my house away, leaving me with nothing but pieces of what I thought I had. 

And so now?

I think I am finally learning that when life throws you curveballs, you should bend. 

Adjust your expectations, or just plain GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY. 

I am trying  to BEND.

But man, it is not easy. 

I'm the type of person who likes assurances.  I like knowing what's going to happen ahead of time and I am NOT a fan of surprises. 

1) I wont go see a movie until the "spoiler" appears on and I can check to make sure I will like the ending before I visit the theater. 

2) I have been to several psychics because I like the idea that they could reassure me of what is in my future and, even though all of them have turned out to be full of sh*t, I'll always be willing to give it another go, holding on to the hope that someday just maybe one of them will be right. 

3) I read the end of books before deciding whether or not I should start from the beginning and, NO, it doesn't bother me in the slightest that I already know the ending when I'm reading chapter 1. 

I LIKE knowing the ending ahead of time.

I want to know how my story ends.

I want to know when this ride will be over and I can relax a little.

Don't misunderstand me.  I am grateful for what I have.  Namely, a roof over my head, solid employment that is stable and not vulnerable to a recession/budget cuts (depending on who you ask), good friends, family, general good health.  I have a handful of really, really wonderfully supportive people in my life right now whom I would not know had I not ended up on the path I currently walk and I am grateful for them every single day.

I guess mostly, this post is a rambling thought process of sorts.  An attempt to talk myself out of my current pre-birthday funk. 

And even though almost no one reads this blog currently, maybe someday someone will who is feeling just as downtrodden. 

And hopefully that person will feel a little bit less alone.